June 25, 2009


All to often, the insects in the garden are ignored, but for them they know their job and they do it tirelessly. No bees, no seeds for the next crop nor fruit off the vine.

Bee on Bee Balm, naturally.

Cone flowers are a powerful attractant in our garden. They are blooming profusely now and attract all kinds of insects.
The seed heads later will become a feast
for the Gold Finches in Autumn.

And, the bees like it as well. Really almost a swarm of these are on the cone flowers all day.

This butterfly also enjoys the Bee Balm.

These bees had no concern for me sometimes 18 inches from them as I took these photos.
Other things on their mind, I guess.

They like the Liatris as well.

And, the beauty in the garden is truly amazing!

I was in the garden and thinking,
it’s like a woman.

Always beauty there,
always changing day by day,
sweet smells,
and it puts a smile on everyone’s face.

Flash Black


  1. AnonymousJuly 08, 2009

    Yep. You got 'em. Nice shots too.

  2. AnonymousJuly 10, 2009

    I did get some bees yesterday too but no butterflies yet.
