May 04, 2009

Indigo Buntings

A pair of Indigo Buntings showed up in the yard a week or so ago.  Brilliant blue coloring with black markings are striking.

Hard to distinguish sometimes as they will show up as black birds if the light is not right as the bird on the left shows.

These are the same two as above, but the light is right to enhance their blue colors.


  1. It's great have you have captured the difference in the way they can sometimes appear black. On the other hand, It is so unusual that their top mandible is black and the bottom white and we hardly notice thinking it just the difference in light.

  2. AnonymousMay 23, 2009

    Wow. These are beautiful. I have yet to see one in my area.

  3. AnonymousJune 05, 2009

    Is there something you do that you noticed has attracted these beautiful birds?

    You might like to read the story about us almost moving to Alaska...

    Homesteading in Alaska

  4. Abe, It's just the luck of the draw on the Buntings. We've done nothing to attract them. Only rarely do they go to any of my feeders.
