October 20, 2009

First Grandbaby

Nurse, quit messing with me!
I want to sleep.

She's still bothering me.

Mama, soothing my feelings.

I'm still sleepy, but a bit more comfortable with Mama.

Here's looking at you, Mama.

Ahhhhhh. I can sleep again safe in Mama's arms.

October 16, 2009


Born Oct 15, 2009
5# 13 oz 20" long

Only 15 minutes old here and on the way to nursery for signing into this world with his daddy.

Oct 16, 2009

October 09, 2009

Mr. & Mrs. Woodpecker

The big question: Hairy or Downy???

Here's the male with his mouth full of suet.

Now, it's her turn.

Enjoyable visit with these two.
They seem to be regulars and are always welcome.