Some secrets behind these pictures.
This nest is full of babies and the parents are working furiously on feeding and cleaning. A nest like this is a birder's paradise as you know they'll be coming and going. Just a matter of waiting, camera ready. These were shot from my pickup truck. Yup, camera on a tripod sitting in the passenger's seat. I moved the truck to several different locations to get different angles for the shots. Focus was manually adjusted for the hole in the box. Using a remote and multiple shot setting, I sat, drank coffee, and waited. As the birds approached the box, I shot away. Then, it was just a matter of picking the photos I liked and processing them. Here's what happened:
Click on the picture for exploded view!
Coming in loaded with fresh food.
Preparing for landing!

Quick check around the perimeter to be safe.
Fortunately, my truck doesn't count as a threat,
it's always there.
Then, it's takeoff time to start all over again.
Now, it's clean up time for the babies.
Taking out the trash.
Just like a Pamper for birds.
Away in a flash!
I just liked this one, looked like a painting to me.

As a side note, looked at the babies yesterday, very large, and today (Sunday, the 26th) they're out and about. Hope some stay around nearby.