Well, it only takes 60 seconds on TV!
My inspiration for this actually comes from
watching the programs on the DIY network.
It looks so easy when they redo a whole yard in a day.
It ain't that easy!
Here's the view from the street. Mother Nature, alias SWMBO, decided she wanted a new bed to move some azaleas that are crowding the walkway. The azaleas are in the background on either side of the tree.
Here are the ones to be removed and
digging them out was not a fun job.
Probably been here for 15 years now.

My orders were to make a bed around this ornamental peach tree, four feet wide from the tree. Knowing Mother Nature so well, I decided five feet would be better than four. She did approve after it was done. With my handy tape measure, garden hose, and stakes, I made the outline of the bed.

Here comes the weed eater to scrape all the grass down to the dirt. Works like a charm. One of the best investments I've made over the years is this Troy-built with a 4 cycle engine. It starts on second pull every time and has many attachments for us
"tool guys."
Then it's just follow around the hose.

All is working well until I ran out of gas!!!!
Off to the store for more and believe me,
by this time I needed a break.
Finished up the grass removal.

Now it's clean up time with trimmings going to the compost bin.

Hole digging time and with another attachment
to the Troy-built machine, it's sooooo much better
than that old shovel and faster.
Note how quickly the landscape fabric was installed
and pinned down with little or no effort.
It just magically appeared like on TV.
One plant in, one to go.
Plants in and watered and now time for mulching.

Waa Laaa! It's done!!!!!!
And there's room for hostas
in front and back.
I know Mother Nature is already planning
what else is going in there.

Now, the after picture from the street.
Behind the scenes, this "little" project started with coffee at noon but quickly progressed to biiiig glasses of iced water and lots of breaks for this old guy to the finish at six o'clock. If you're thirty-ish or so, go for it. At my age, pay someone thirty-ish to do it for you.
Dig a flower bed once.
NEVER mow that area again.
And then, I collapsed for the night.
The end....
Nope, SWMBO has already pointed out more azaleas to be moved into the new bed PRONTO!
And so it goes..............